Can't wait to see you inside, fam!

REady? The doors are now open to

A 12-month program to support 1st & 2nd generation immigrant women of color to break generational limits and be confidently in charge of their lives.

It’s time to feel confident about who you are. The kind of confidence that helps you take up space and make decisions without guilt. 

The First's Collective

As a 1st/2nd gen, you are driven, high-achieving, and resourceful as hell.

But, you’ve also been taught to be
“the good girl”. 

That means making choices that won’t disappoint your family, making sure everyone around you is happy, and avoiding judgment or failure as much as humanly possible.

It also means putting your wants and needs to the side.

And while this might make everyone around you happy, it leaves you feeling unfulfilled, lost, and unsure of what you truly want.

That's where The First's Collective comes in.

In the course of 1 year, you will be able to:


“Not good enough” will no longer be a track that plays on loop in your mind.

Gain unshakeable confidence


Make choices without overanalyzing or questioning yourself.


No more wondering if you should follow other’s expectations of you.


You’ll listen to your intuition instead of everyone else’s opinions.

Make confident choices

know what you want

believe & trust in yourself

— Edith

Now, I feel much more confident and in control of my life! I feel worthy, and that I am enough as I am.

"Before, I lacked confidence in myself, and was unclear on my vision. I felt alone. I felt lost. And as a daughter of an immigrant, I felt a lot of pressure to make my mom proud. But I didn’t feel proud of who I was. 

What could this look like in real life? Imagine...

Sharing your ideas in a team meeting where everyone is older and white. Instead of feeling anxious and self-critical, you feel confident about your contribution. Even when someone challenges your ideas, you have your own back instead of questioning yourself.

Raising your kids differently than your parents raised you. Even when your parents clearly disapprove of the parenting choices you’re making, you don’t let their criticism make you feel like you’re doing something wrong.

Seeing your friend’s text come through and being genuinely excited to connect with them. You developed a friendship with zero resentment where you can be totally yourself. You feel supported and seen, because they prioritize your friendship equally.

Waking up excited to start the day instead of pulling the sheets over your face with dread. You’re on a career path that lights you up - something that incorporates your passions, interests, and natural gifts and not just at a job that you’re good at and pays the bills.

Unshakeable confidence

Making Confident Choices

Prioritizing your wants & needs

Believe & trust in yourself

We're dedicated to supporting 1st & 2nd gen folks who want to move from survival mode to a life of fulfillment.

Because...let's be real. Being the first to shake sh*t up sucks sometimes.

But just because you're The First, doesn't mean you have to do it alone.

The First's Collective is designed for long-term transformation.

Are you ready to confidently take charge of your life?

Taking up Space

  • Learn to speak about yourself powerfully
  • Advocate for your wants and needs
  • Go from downplaying to celebrating yourself


Increasing Self-Belief & Trust

  • Quiet the self-doubt that gets in your way
  • Create limitless abundant belief
  • Trust in your intuition and capabilities



  • Develop values-aligned decision criteria
  • Make choices without constantly questioning yourself
  • Have your own back no matter the decision outcome


In The First's Collective, you'll become the
most confident version of yourself through these skills:

You will be guided and supported by coaches and a community who not only consider your immigrant roots and generational trauma, but have lived through it themselves.


quit her job and started traveling the world


made a career change and got her masters degree

If you’re searching for a community who knows exactly what you’re going through, like...

But your current friends don't get what you're going through

This program is for you if...

  • Familial pressures
  • The 24/7 need to be "perfect" and "good"
  • The crippling fear of failure and mistakes

In this community, you will be seen, heard, and cheered on by other 1st/2nd gen folks who understand you in ways you never thought was possible. 

Welcome home.

You want to get unstuck…

but your lack of self-trust and clarity keeps you paralyzed

you want to make your own choices...

But you're scared of others' reactions

you want to stop people-pleasing...

but you can't even imagine how that's possible

you want people who understand you...

— ria

"I can not believe how much my self-confidence and clarity on who I am has shifted in such a short amount of time. I am becoming the empowered, confident leader I've always wanted to be."

Here is what you'll get when you join us today!

Be supported by other 1st & 2nd generation immigrants who understand you deeply and validate your experiences.

The Community

Inclusion No.1

Receive coaching and community care in our 90-minute group sessions. Recordings will be made available.

Group Coaching Sessions

Inclusion No.2

Value: $5000

Learn from 1st/2nd gen experts and leaders who have "been there, done that" and want to share the bts of their journeys in monthly mentorship sessions.

"Ate" Mentorship Hours

Inclusion No.3

Value: $500

Get instant access to 25+ video lessons and worksheets so that you can easily learn what you need, when you need it!

The First's Curriculum

Inclusion No.4

Value: $1000

Taking action is scary, especially when doing it alone. In these sessions, take action together and connect with your fellow legacy-builders.

Virtual Kick-Its & Co-Working Sessions

Inclusion No.5

Value: $250

Receive daily coaching and community care in a private online community space. Connect with others, share resources, get accountability, and support in-between our sessions.

Private Community Space

Inclusion No.6

Value: $1000

PLUS get access to exclusive live courses and challenges designed around your goals

Coming up in May:

Create your "bolder" vision and roadmap in our Take Up Space workshop

Join "bold buddy" accountability groups for peer support & encouragement

Celebrate with a Bold Bash at the end of the month!

Take Up Space Challenge

Become 10% Bolder in 30 days

Your most empowered self is ready and waiting for you.

And becoming her does NOT require...

Turning your back on your family.

Becoming a totally different person.

Completely changing everything all at once

It may not feel like it yet, but it's in you.
And The First's Collective will help you embody it so that you can create the life you were meant for.

You are a trailblazer and

I'm the eldest grandchild of my Filipino immigrant family and I lived most of my life according to others' "good girl" expectations of me. 

My life looked great on paper but inside, I knew I was playing small. I felt unfulfilled, unsatisfied, and unhappy with myself. 

Everything changed when I let go of the "safe" life in order to live my desired life. And now, 

I'm the First in my family to...

Travel the world full-time
Become a coach
Be a public speaker
Really love myself

Your Coach and Newest Hype Woman

Meet the founder — Nicole cruz

I know how scary and overwhelming it is to be the first, which is why I created this program. So that you can have the tools and support to be the trailblazer you are, confidently.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is The First's Collective 12 months long?

We're committed to your long-term and sustainable transformation. We're not about "quick fixes" and band-aid solutions. The work of unlearning generational lessons takes practice! And we want to make sure you are supported every step of the way.

Okay, but will this actually work for me?

I can't guarantee certain results because tbh, the outcomes are dependent on you and the work you put into your transformation. 

However, what I can guarantee is that you will be provided the support, tools, and community you need to create what you want. And 95% of my 350+ clients have created positive lasting results.

I’ve never shared vulnerably in front of others. Will that be an issue?

First, I totally relate!  And, you’re not alone.  For most of us, we weren’t encouraged to show our emotions or share what we’re going through.  Ya know, part of that “it’s all good” mask we were taught to wear.  So I totally get that it will feel uncomfortable.  
And this is exactly why a group of just our community is so magical.  In 99.9% of cases, whatever you share will resonate with the other folks in your cohort.  The feedback I hear all the time is, “wow, I don’t have to explain or justify myself.”  Get ready for some next level validation!  

What if I don't know what I want or don't have certain goals in mind?

You're not alone in this! The great thing is, we specifically address this in the program. Together, we'll discover what it is you truly want and create goals towards your dreamiest outcomes.

When are the coaching sessions?

The current monthly coaching sessions are scheduled for the first Tuesday of every month from 6-7:30pm ET / 3-4:30pm PT. This is subject to change as we survey the group every quarter to ensure the optimal day and time for participants.

The Ate mentorship hours vary based on the Ate's availability and will be scheduled at least 1 month in advance.

What is the investment for the program?

The investment for the entire year is $997 paid upfront or $97/mo.

— Jannel

Nicole opened my eyes up to a world of abundance, there is space for me and the world needs me for who I am.

I found the things that brought me joy, was able to define myself outside of my accomplishments, and found a job with supportive leadership and 2x the pay!